

In tempor, mauris nec viverra molestie, lorem diam dignissim ex, quis lobortis dui turpis ut enim. Aenean dui nulla, placerat in massa eget, lacinia accumsan nunc. Curabitur et mauris dolor.


Villenoir Cabernet Sauvignon

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015

91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015

Silver, Alameda County Wine Competition, June 2015

Silver, San Francisco International Wine Competition

87 points, Silver, Critics Challenge, May 2015


Villenoir Merlot

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015

91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015

Silver, Alameda County Wine Competition, June 2015


Villenoir Pinot Noir

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015

91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015


Villenoir Riesling

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015

91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015